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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Health is Wealth

The Importance of Health
Awal tahun baru 2011 merupakan tahun yang amat bersejarah bagi saya dan keluarga. Pada 11hb. January saya telah menjalani pembedahan jantung quadruple bypass.
Saya berada 20 hari di  IJN mulai 4hb kerana asalnya untuk angiogram. Datuk Dr Azahari yang menjalankan prosedure itu pada 5hb telah medapati beberapa saluran darah ke jantung saya tersumbat dan terus mencadangkan pembedahan bypass.
Selama 35 tahun saya berkhidmat dengan kerajaan saya tidak pernah sakit dan dimasukkan ke ward hospital walau sehari pun. Kini saya baru bersara 1 tahun 5 bulan sudah pun menjalani pembedahan besar. Begitulah perubahan perjalanan kehidupan manusia yang sewajarnya kita boleh membuat pengajaran. Bahawasanya kesihatan itu amat penting demi kesejahteraan hidup yang produktif.
Kakitangan kerajaan diberi kemudahan lengkap perubatan dan pemeriksaan kesihatan berkala yang patut dilunaskan sepenuhnya demi mewujudkan tenagakerja yang sihat, cergas lagi produktif. Alhamdulillah, Malaysia adalah sabuah negara yang mempunyai perkhidmatan kesihatan dan industri perubatan yang standing dengan negara maju lagi membanggakan.   
Sympton Serangan Jantung
Symptom serangan jantung datang dalam berbagai rupa. Jangan ambil ringan atau tidak mengindahkannya langsung. Berusahalah untuk mengenalinya dan mendapat rawatan perubatan serta merta. Ia boleh mengurangkan masaalah kesihatan yang lebih serious.
Saya sendiri baharu sedar bahawasanya saya telah mengalami beberapa serangan kecil jantung sejak tiga tahun kebelakangan sebelum serangan serious pada November 2010.
Shortness of breath after a long walk or going up the staircase, after streaneous exercise, or due to extraordinary excitement, are just some of the symptoms. Do not be deceived by the the fact that you will recover and regain your breath after taking a short rest. The fact that you have experienced it was sufficient to trigger an immediate professional medical consultation to verify your true condition – i.e. to establish whether it was a heart attack or not. Your medical background – stressful work and lifestyle, family history, cholesterol, diabetic, blood pressure, etc. will be factored in the analysis.
Never take these warnings or signals lightly. Or you will never have this warning again.
I would like to underscore the benefit of having regular check-up and health screening as an important part of living healthy for the following reasons:-
  • Early detection of diseases is one of the great benefits of health screenings. It was pointed out that that 30 percent of heart attack victims do not make it to hospital on time. This could be prevented by getting screenings.
  • Certain diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure do not exhibit symptoms until there is a major problem. By detecting these conditions early, doctors are better able to use preventative measures and treatments to avoid these conditions.
  • Scheduling regular health screenings allows people to develop a relationship with their doctor. These check-ups also allow people to learn more about warning signs that may signal a dangerous situation.
The Surgery
Pembedahan mengambil masa lebih dari lima jam. Team di ketuai oleh pakar bedah kardiologi Mr. Jeswant Dillon. Saya tidak merasai apa-apa kesakitan kerana telah di beri General Anasthetic. Sebahagian dari urat kaki kanan saya telah di harvest untuk mengganti empat saluran ke jantung yang telah tersumbat.
Post Surgery
Saya di masukkan ke HDU (High Dependency Unit) selepas pembedahan untuk proses pemulihan awal.  Selama 6 hari disini, saya mendapat pemerhatian rapi perubatan 24 jam.
In HDU, I was kept under close observation for post surgery internal bleeding, cardiac arrest, stroke and infection may occur. I have wires attached to my body in order to observe the pace of the heart. A tube is also connected to drain fluids from the chest. A pacemaker is attached to the wires to regularise my heartbeat.
Selama enam hari di HDU, saya telah memerhatikan bagaimana intense unit ini di selenggarakan dan betapa staffnya bertungkus lumus menjalan tugas dengan cekap lagi professional. Pun begitu bukan senang untuk menangangani kerenah setiap pesakit yang pelbagai ragam.
Ada pesakit yang hilang kawalan diri dan meludah merata-rata; ada yang mengalami sesak nafas sebab ghahak (flams) yang tidak habis disedut/dibuang; ada yang hilang daya makan sehingga melemahkan dayatahan untuk pulih; ada yang mengalami complication buah pinggang, dan anggota badan lain berikutan pembedahan; dan sebagainya. Masing-masing pesakit bertindak mengikut keadaan dan keupayaan menahan kesakitan mereka.   
Sehubungan itu saya ingin cadangkan perkara berikut:
  • HDU mengasingkan dibilek isolation setiap pesakit yang bermasalah – yang menganggu proses baikpulih pesakit lain yang ingin berehat terutama pada malamhari.
  • Supaya pihak JAKIM/Majlis Ugama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan menempatkan seorang pegaai ugama untuk membantu pesakit dan keluarga pesakit mengenai isu-isu berkaitan solat, tayamum bagi pesakit. Setidak-tidaknya JAKIM meletakkan brochures menerangkan perkara tersebut.
  • Supaya IJN memasukan makanan Jepun seperti shushi kedalam menu makanan sebagai pilihan tambahan kepada pesakit.   
Selepas itu saya di bawa ke ward biasa dimana rawatan perubatan, rehabilitation dan physiotherapy diteruskan sehingga saya dibenarkan keluar pada Isnin 24hb. January.
Cardiac Rehab
Before being discharged from IJN, I was given counsel on cardiac rehabilitation program which include nutrition and medications and an exercise regimen to promote strength and flexibility. The advise provided by the IJN dieticians and physiotherapist were most helpful in guiding me and my family with the new food regime and lifestyle.
The doctor gave prescription for medications among which to treat pain, high cholesterol, blood clots, indigestion, and constipation. I was expected to follow the instructions for proper administration of these medications.
Recovery Process
Generally speaking, the majority of heart bypass patients recover within 8 weeks after the surgery but for others, recovering takes longer. Side effects are common, but fortunately they are temporary. These include fatigue, loss of appetite, abnormal heart rhythm and increase of body fluid. If these symptoms persist and if new ones develop, the doctor will need tobe notified immediately.
Saya masih terasa denyutan dan sedikit kekebasan di kaki kanan saya di mana urat telah di tuai untuk mengganti saluran tersumbat. Saya diberitahu bahawa luka tersebut dalam proses sembuh, walaupun ia mengambil sedikit masa. Di nasihatkan supaya kaki berkenaan di letak di paras horizontal dengan badan atau sedikit lebih tinggi supaya mengelakkan dari bengkak.
Saya juga di kehendaki menjalanan regular “dressing” atas “wound” di dada yang dalam proses penyembuhan – Alhamdulillah setelah beberapa kali ke klinin Idham, kesan luka tersebut telah pulih sepenuhnya pada 31 January. 
I experience a change in my “taste bud” yang ketara. The regular food I use to take taste different and much to my dislike. For example my favourate kuah singgang taste flat and most unappetising. Some say it’s the effect of numerous prescription drug intakes. Even my tears taste bitter.  Hopefully this is a temporary phenomenon.
Lifestyle Change
In order to reduce heart problems after the surgery, patients must modify their lifestyle to decrease the risks for other heart problems in the future. It is important to reduce stress, quit smoking and adapt to a diet program that aims to lower cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension. Stress management is an important issu which require special attention for a complete life-changing well-being.
I am required to have a regular exercise regimen that is approved by the physician in order to promote and improve my physical fitness. These lifestyle changes will be able to greatly contribute to my speedy recovery from the bypass surgery.
I am required to maintain a BMI at 73kg. As of today I have been able to bring down my weight to 75kg from as high as 85kg before the operation.
A big thank you to Mr Jeswant Dillon cardiothoracic surgeon yang telah berjaya melakukan satu prosedur pembedahan yang terbaik keatas saya. Saya bersyukur kepada Allah subhanahuwataala yang telah meberi hidayah kepada beliau dan rakan-rakan beliau yang begitu professional.
Being the pioneer heart care and treatment centre, IJN consultant physicians have always been known to be innovative in introducing the latest and most effective techniques in the treatment of heart patients for both interventional cardiology procedures as well as heart surgeries.
The IJN has gained wider recognition as the leading Cardiovascular and Thoracic Health Centre in the region as the rising number of referrals for complicated and demanding cases and visits from foreign cardiologists. A special thanks to Tun Dr Mahathir for his contribution to the setting of the Centre in 1992.
Saya juga ingin merakam ucapan berbanyak terima kasih kepada semua nurses yang telah memberi perkhidmatan amat terpuji. Saya masih teringat betapa sedapnya rasa “tea-o” pertama yang saya minum selepas pembedahan. Saya ingin memohon maaf sekiranya saya telah memberi apa-apa kesusahan kepada mereka.
My immediate family (wife and our seven children),and my four sisters from Kelantan who came down to KL especially to be close to me during and post surgery and close friends and neighbours have all been very supportive during my ordeal. I do appreciate greatly their visits at IJN – even when I could barely recognise who they were especially during the early hours of my recovery from the operation. Thank you so very much.  
My mother, especially, has always been a great inspiration to me with her doa and prayers for my good health. At 86 years old, she is blessed with good health, supportive children, grand children and great grand children living close-by in Kelantan. Except for her gastritis link to the stomach ulcer (which is under control) and her sporadic absent mindedness, she is as healthy as a bull. She may not be able to be physically with me, but her precense was greatly felt by me.    
I also value the advice provided by several “Rakan IJN Members” who visited me before and after the surgery. Sharing their personal experience gave me great confort to go through the procedure and to dutifully follow the post operation rehab program.  
Health is Wealth
Kesihatan memang bukan segalanya tapi tanpa kesihatan semuanya menjadi tidak bererti. Menjadi sihat adalah rezeki dan kenikmatan yang tiada tara sehingga Rasulullah SAW berpesan agar selagi kita masih diberikan kesehatan maka perbanyaklah amal soleh yang nantinya itu akan berguna bagi diri kita sendiri, sebelum datang sakit.
Kawalan nafsu dorongan syaitan – melalui taqwa dan iman yang membolehkan amalan pemakanan sihat halalan tayyiba dari punca rezeki hingga menjadi darah daging. Dan carilah rezeki yang halal (tanpa rasuah) untuk membeli makanan yang halal lagi baik serta berkhasiat untuk diri sendiri serta keluarga.
The most important lesson learnt is that health is wealth. With health you can be a productive worker and lead a good life. Simply said, when you are in good health, you will be a happy person and enthusiastic about life. On the contrary, sickly people will dread every moment of their pain and will not be able lead life in peace and tranquility.
No known substance can extend life, but the chances of staying healthy and living a long time can be improved. Nonetheless the following tips (non-exhaustive) may be useful:-
  • Eat a balanced diet, including five helpings of fruits and vegetables a day
  • Exercise regularly (check with a doctor before starting an exercise program).
  • Get regular health check-ups.
  • Practice safety habits at home to prevent falls and fractures. Always wear your seatbelt in a car.
  • Stay in contact with family and friends.
  • Stay active through work, play, and community especially during retirement.
  • Avoid overexposure to the sun and the cold.
  • Don't smoke (it's never too late to quit).
  • Do not drink. While drinking may have a few benefits, its harm far exceeds its benefit.
  • Keep personal and financial records in order to simplify budgeting and investing.
  • Plan long-term housing and money needs.
  • Keep a positive attitude toward life. A positive attitude will draw many favourable events into our life.
  • Do things that make others happy to make you happy.
  • Keep your home and environment clean.
  • Life is worth living -love life, love your family, neighbours, friends.
  • Control your temper, temptation, and lead a moderate life.
Self discipline is indeed the order of the day. There is no turning back if one requires quality and sustainable lifestyle – less stressful etc.
NB: Do not be distressed! The Maglish used in this posting is by design. It has got nothing to do with my post surgery syndrome or side effects. Harap maaf, wassalam.
Wednesday, 2 February, 2011


  1. I am stressed from all the Manglish! I can practice Melayu saya daripada membaca blog awak!
    It was really quite an ordeal and none of us expected the procedure to take so long! But we would have always been there no matter how long the period :) The IJN provided awesome services, really good food and good company ;)
    Alhamdullilah everything went smoothly :) InsyaAllah after this geting my work done will go smoothly and stress free!!!!

  2. Dear papa,
    What you went through was a major event in all of our lives. We felt as if we were going through it too. Maybe we didn’t show it, but in our defence, we had to show that we were strong just so that you would be strong too.

    Regarding the signs and symptoms of a heart attack (myocardial infarction), not everyone will present with the typical chest pain and sensation of impending doom. Some have an atypical presentation, like what you had. You felt like u had upper abdominal pain especially after u ate. It felt more like heartburn. I do not blame the doctors for suspecting gastritis or gallstones, however we were taught in medical school to always RULE OUT THE MOST SERIOUS DIAGNOSIS FIRST. So at ur age and with your risk factors (high cholesterol and hypertension), it is only logical to suspect a heart attack at the top of the list despite the atypical presentation.

  3. your personal doctorFebruary 7, 2011 at 8:41 AM

    You are lucky, Alhamdulillah, that you were diagnosed relatively early as it didn’t cause any permanent injury to your heart muscle i.e. your blood vessels were blocked but you developed collateral blood vessels to supply the affected heart muscles thus maintaining blood and oxygen supply to the affected heart tissue and thus there was only minimal muscle injury. However, you cannot solely rely on these collateral blood vessels for the whole of your life. They are not as efficient as the “original” blood vessels and may fail to support your heart if they are working on their own for too long. They are like a temporary rescue team that will exhaust with time. If you waited any longer, i’m not sure what the outcome would’ve been.

    +++ You are also blessed to not have diabetes. Your situation would be much more complicated if u did. :D

  4. your personal doctor (cont)February 7, 2011 at 8:42 AM

    Regarding ur suggestions to IJN, i completely agree with “Supaya pihak JAKIM/Majlis Ugama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan menempatkan seorang pegawai ugama untuk membantu pesakit dan keluarga pesakit mengenai isu-isu berkaitan solat, tayamum bagi pesakit. Setidak-tidaknya JAKIM meletakkan brochures menerangkan perkara tersebut.” Actually, this is being practiced in hosp kuantan. And we are actually taught all of these in UIA and are expected to teach it to our patients. If i’m not mistaken, they actually do have brochures regarding these aspects, regarding ablution and methods of solat for the ill in hospital Kuantan.

    Btw, I found this suggestion hilarious– “Supaya IJN memasukan makanan Jepun seperti shushi kedalam menu makanan sebagai pilihan tambahan kepada pesakit.“ hahaha

  5. your personal doctor (cont)February 7, 2011 at 8:43 AM

    The recovery process – just because the operation is over it doesn’t mean that your duty as a patient is over. You are still a patient. You are not considered healthy until you can drive on your own! One very important aspect of the recovery process is maintaining a positive attitude and to continue to have motivation. This will hasten the recovery process. Those who experience depression and lack the motivation usually have a poorer prognosis.

    Please listen to your own advice and
    • Keep a positive attitude toward life. A positive attitude will draw many favourable events into our life.
    • Control your temper, temptation, and lead a moderate life.

    Don’t make yourself stressed, if anything does stress you, take it as something mild and think to yourself, this is not worth worrying about. You already live an almost-perfect life. Remember that you are blessed to be alive, with no financial problems and to have overcome something so major and that you are blessed to be around your family who loves and cares about you. Remembering all of this should remove all the worries from your mind. You have been blessed by Allah. I’m going to preach balik what you always tell me “when you're feeling at a disadvantage, always remember the less fortunate.” That should be enough for you to count your blessings and feel grateful for what you have. Soooo ...Make sure you are stress/worry-free from today onwards. It’s so easy to preach, but difficult to practice! Ay caramba :P

    In conclusion, next time your children ask you to seek medical attention, LISTEN TO THEM!!! We force you out of love! Hahahaha :D

    Btw, force mommy to go for a medical check up. ASAP.

    Love you so much papito :D
    ~Your personal doctor :D:XOXOXO

  6. your personal doctor (cont)February 7, 2011 at 8:45 AM

    sorry i had to post my comment in so many different posts.. ur blog didn't allow me to post comment yang panjang2. so i had to break them up into segments.. hahaha goodnite papito :D
