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Saturday, December 18, 2010

The United States

I would like to join YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir on his commentary entitled “The United States” in his blog Che Det dated 17 December 2010.  

It is obvious that throughout this lifetime, the imperial master has been a slave to tiny Israel. 

The US foreign policy has always supported Israel over the Arab because of the strong Jewish lobby. The Israelite are in control of the US political system covering both parties the republican and the democrat; its economy and financial system; the media which regulate public opinion, just to name a few. 

Renowned American author and grand dame of the WHPC, journalist Helen Thomas was ostracized in Washington for criticizing Israel. She was forced to resign from Hearst Newspapers for saying that Israelis should get out of Palestine and return to their homes in Europe and the US. 

In an interview she says the "Zionists" are in full control of the US foreign policy and its other institutions. "Congress, the White House, Hollywood, and Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. No question, in my opinion," she said.  "I can call a president of the US anything in the book, but I can't touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank," she said. 

The US citizen (the silent majority) is also held hostage by large US corporations, prisoner to special interest lobbies/groups, through a government which pursue distorted and hypocritical global dominance in the name of democracy and human rights.   

The US agenda to sustain global dominance is being pursued “at all cost” and at the expense of the weak, corrupt and “poor” nations.   It is quite understandable if a country uses “revenge” in its foreign policy instrument. However, superpowers have the sophisticated ability to camouflage its provocation to justify retaliation and fool the rest. 

The US should be well served to remember what Abraham Lincoln once said “You may deceive all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time, but NOT all the people all the time.”   Further he said that “No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar.” Abe Lincoln seems to have premonition about the character of some of his successors. How insightful! 

No country on this earth, no matter how powerful, can dominate forever. History shows us how powerful “civilizations” rise and fall. It is conceivable that the trends of the past five centuries are likely to continue.  The Big Bully cannot stay young, strong and alert and focus forever. The oppressed will rise from ashes.  Change will come to the US sooner or later. It has over extended itself militarily compared to its economic base. 

Paul Kennedy in his book “The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers” said The global productive balances changed faster than ever before with the EU now the world's largest trading unit, China leaping forward, and Japan experiencing phenomenal economic growth. The US and Russian growth rates have been sluggish and their share of global production and wealth have shrunk dramatically since 1960. 

But certain trends are firmly in place. In 1951 Japan's GNP was 1/3 of Britain and 1/20 of the US; three decades later it was three times Britain and half the US. Japan has grown to be the world's biggest creditor nation while the US has changed from being the world's biggest creditor nation to the world's biggest debtor nation. 

Niall Ferguson, one of the world's leading financial historians, gave the following warning: "Imperial collapse may come much more suddenly than many historians imagine. A combination of fiscal deficits and military overstretch suggests that the United States may be the next empire on the precipice."

Are we therefore seeing the countdown of an abrupt collapse of the US dominance? Is the stage set for China to be the largest world economy by 2020 and for seven of the ten biggest economies will be from Asia? Will this change be a change for the better, less oppressive and be more forgiving world? Allah knows best. 


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Biji di luar

"Biji di luar" refers to "buah gajus" or "buah ketereh" - a unique tropical fruit belonging to the Cashew family, or Anacardium occidentale. 
The gajus tree is an evergreen, with entire, feather-veined leaves. The flowers are small, sweet scented, and of a reddish colour. The fleshy pear-shaped receptacle, in which the cashew nuts are borne, is sometimes called the cashew apple. When the apple is fully ripe, it detaches from the twig and falls to the ground. It is elongated, round or heart shaped, hence the name Anacardium which means “shaped like a heart”.
The fruit is kidney shaped. The nut proper is enclosed in a leathery covering, consisting of two layers, between which is a caustic, oily substance, exceedingly acrid; but this is eliminated by heat, so that when the kernels are roasted they have a pleasant flavour, and are highly esteemed for desserts. 
Beyond the OBVIOUS (that the nut is outside the fruit), buah gajus signifies "Thinking Outside the Box", i.e. the ability to look and think beyond what is apparent. It encompasses a process which acknowledges and rejects the paradigm analogy, relying on the functions of resources, motivation and creative thinking.
This Blog hopes to contribute to this process.