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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rules of the game in Mid East changing

It is getting clearer each day that the current development in the Mid East is untenable even to the Israelis.  Slowly but surely, change are appearing thus forcing modification to the rules of the game played by Israel and their western supporters.
In fact since the Islamic revolution in Iran, the situation has taken a turn and has with time benefited the Muslim Ummah. For all their crimes and wars imposed on the Arabs, the latest development in the region should make the Israelis and the western powers become very worried and afraid.
Conversely, even in Israel, the situation is changing especially in the recent years. The ongoing insecurities culminating from an Israel not living at peace with any of its neighbours, have produced a phenomenon of many Israelis seeking a European passport, based on their family roots, just in case.
Several studies in Israel and one conducted by AIPAC and another by the Jewish National  Fund in Germany show that perhaps as many as half of the Jews living in Israel will consider leaving Palestine in the next few years if current political and social trends continue.
A 2008 survey by the Jerusalem-based Menachem Begin Heritage Center found that 59% of Israelis had approached or intended to approach a foreign embassy to inquire about or apply for citizenship and a passport.
Today it is estimated that the figure is approaching 70%. Approximately 200,000 or 22% of Russians coming to Israel since 1990 have so far returned to their country.
In short, the Israelis are getting disenchanted with the precarious situations in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories. Their main concern may include the following:
  • Corrupt and scandalous leaders – lost of faith in or respect for Israeli leaders, many of whom are considered corrupt.
  • Feelings of anxiety and guilt that Zionism has hijacked Judaism and those traditional Jewish values are being corrupted.
  • The increasing difficulty of providing coherent answers to one’s children, as they become more educated and aware of their family history, and indeed honesty to oneself, on the question of why families from Europe and elsewhere are living on land and in homes stolen from others who obviously are local and did not come from some other place around the World.
  • The negative effect of “fear mongering policy” designed to keep its citizens supporting the Israeli government’s policies keep families on edge and as a result they decided not to raise their children under such conditions.
In short, what the Zionist occupiers of Palestine territories saw from Tahir Square in Cairo may have convinced them that the Arab and Palestinian resistance (and the Muslim Ummah in general), will develop into a massive movement, such that no amount of weapons or apartheid administration can insure a Zionist future in Palestine.

See the video - a Jewish woman feeling the pains and guilt for the Zionist injustice and atrocities inflicted on the Palestinian.

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